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Claim Service

Claim service is of utmost importance to all of us at MFS Mutual. The value of our products is dependent upon our response in time of a claim. In order to provide quality claim service, it is imperative that claims be reported promptly.

Please do the following in the event you have a claim:

  1. Immediately contact your agent. The contact information is contained under agents.
  2. Provide your name, address, telephone number where you may be contacted and your policy number if you have it available.
  3. Give the date and time of the occurrence and as much detail as possible. A rule of thumb is to provide the who, what, where, when and how facts about the claim.
  4. Your policy contains the provisions outlining policyholder's duties in the event of a claim. Review that information and proceed to do what is logically feasible within the parameters of the policy provisions.

Factors determine how a claim will be handled. Many property claims are handled by our own personnel. If not handled by our staff, the claim will most likely be handled by an independent adjuster. Bodily Injury claims under the Liability section of a policy are handled by Wisconsin Adjusting Company.

We feel open communication between the adjuster and policyholder is essential, and we ask for your cooperation in that regard.